Na Piarsaigh Cork

Founded 1943

Co. Cork

80th Anniversary Celebrations

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Tomorrow is the big day, Saturday August 26th, Na Piarsaigh will be marking its 80th Anniversary Celebration. 🎊

Starting the day with a coffee morning for people who have been affiliated with the club through the years & all members and friends, this is open to all club people.

This will then be followed by the underage teams parading from the church to the clubhouse at 1:30pm.

The club shop which is now refurbished will have its grand reopening! Pop by to pick up some gear or merchandise!

During the day, activities will take place on pitch 1, further details below. Many vendors will be on site also for snacks, ice cream etc.

This will be followed with food & drinks for the evening and music will be played by Clann Eireann from 6pm - 8pm followed Damian The Dog O’Mahony & Friends. 🎵

All members, friends, family, neighbours, past members, future members etc. are all welcome and asked to attend to celebrate the 80th Anniversary. Please extend the invite on all platforms and share with friends!

We ask everyone available to try and attend some part of the day and connect with fellow members, friends, teammates, and all people affiliated with the club down through the years! ⚫️🟠

Spread the word!

#NaPiarsaighAbú ⚫️🟠

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